Last Name, First Name* Email * Age * Under 18 years old 18 years or older Address: * If you are a parent of a student(s) in the Northport - East Northport School District, please tell us which schools your children currently attend: Elementary Middle School High School Other: Have you or your family attended a Task Force event, workshop or program in the last 12 months? If so, which one? * Have you volunteered at a Task Force event, workshop or program in the last 12 months? If so, which one? Have you attended one of the Task Force's monthly meetings (via zoom) in the last 12 months? Yes No How do you usually find out about upcoming Task Force meetings, Event, Workshops, or Programs: * Email Facebook Instagram Task Force Website Library Newsletter Local Newspaper Word-of-Mouth Other: Our Task Force is comprised of people from various sectors of our community. Please tell us which sector you represent: * Schools Parents Student/Youth Youth-Serving Organization Healthcare Professionals Business Community Religious/Fraternal Organizations Civic/Volunteer Group Law Enforcement Agency State/Local Government Agency Other Organization with Expertise in Substance Abuse Other: We value your opinion. What do you think the Task Force can do more effectively? * How would you like to be involved with the Task Force? * Help organize an event?: Help to publicize what we do? Volunteer at an event? Host a Task Force speaker at your organization? Support us financially or assist with fundraising? Behind the scenes (paperwork, data input, etc.) Other: How do you see your role in the community? * What type of activities or programs would you like to see more of? * How likely are you to recommend a friend? * Likely Neutral Unlikely Comments/Suggestions: